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Online Payment Instructions

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Online Payment Instructions

Online payments are offered through NIC and KanPay Counter. There is a 2.5% charge for processing online payments.  This is a 3rd party vendor charge for the service. 

To make a debit or credit card payment, click → Pay Here ← to access the online payment portal link and follow these instructions:

1.     Select Item(s)

a.     Transaction Item --Select the type of payment you are making from the Transaction Item menu.

b.     Details and Student Name –If there is a Details box, enter the product being purchased in the Details box; Enter the student name (or your name) in the Student Name box.

c.      Unit Price --Enter the payment amount in the Unit Price field. (If the unit price is gray, you are not able to adjust this transaction item payment amount.)

d.     Quantity –Leave Quantity at 1, unless you are purchasing more than one item from Bluejay Outlet.

e.     If you want to add another transaction on the same payment, click the blue box Add Another Item.

f.       Once you've entered all payments click Next.

2.     Information

a.     Enter your customer information.  If you want a receipt emailed to you, enter your email address. Click Next.

3.     Payment

a.     Verify the is correct.  Enter your payment information under the Credit/Debit Card or Checking/Savings Account tab. When you have completed all steps, click Next.

4.     Submit Payment

a.     Verify the Transaction Items, Customer Information, and Payment Information is correct.

b.     If necessary, click Edit to update the Select Transaction Item(s), Customer Information, or Payment Information field(s).

                       When all fields have been completed and verified, click Submit Payment.